Time delay relays are simply control relays and used to control an event based on time. The difference between relays and time delay relays is when the output contacts open & close: on a control relay, it happens when voltage is applied and removed from the coil; on time delay relays, the contacts can open or close before or after some time delay. Time-delay: there are two sorts of time-delay relays: make or break. • Make: when a current is passed through the relay, its coil only actuates the contacts after a predefined time (often adjustable), and they return to the initial position instantaneously as soon as the relay is no longer powered. • Break: when a current is passed through the relay, its coil instantaneously actuates the contacts. When the coil is no longer powered, however, the contacts return to their initial position after a predefined time, depending on the time-delay setting. Bornika is the exclusive agent of Enerdis Company in the fields of consultation, sales and distribution of power industry products including Time-delay relays.
Model: OK TmF / TmS
Request Code: OK TmF 2E,2R,4E,4R - OK TmS 2E, 2R, 4E, 4R
Company: Enerdis
Model: OK TaB - OK TrB - OK TtB
Request Code: OK TaB - OK TrB - OK TtB
Company: Enerdis
Model: F-OK
Request Code: F-OK TBAO , F-OK TBOR
Company: Enerdis