Load sharing is split times and the concept is used when two current source (either diesel or a diesel generator together with the electricity grid) parallel and synchronous come together and once they are aggregated. In these cases, the total power is equal to the sum of the two sources and can be compared to the desired disposable divided between two current source. Load sharing products of DEIF company include electronic Potentiometer and load sharing unit LSU series . Technical specifications , applications and features have been described in product section separately. Borna Niroo Karan (Bornika) is the exclusive agent of DEIF in the fields of consultation , sales and distribution of power industry products including Load Sharing products .

Product list of Load Sharing

Load sharing unit

Load sharing unit

Model: LSU-112DG , LSU-113DG , LSU-114DG , LSU-122DG
Request Code: LSU-xxxDG No: 2913060zzz-yy
Company: DEIF
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Electronic potentiometer

Electronic potentiometer

Model: EPN-110DN
Request Code: EPN-110DN No:2913110020-xx
Company: DEIF
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Electronic potentiometer

Electronic potentiometer

Model: EPQ96-2
Request Code: EPQ96-2 No: 2913870010-01
Company: DEIF
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