Accessories for Surge Arrester for the implementation and installation of Surge Arrester used and the equipment includes Earthing Module, Test / Disconnection Module , Labelling System BA1-BA15 and EMC Spring Terminals. Bornika is the sales agent of DEHN, OBO Bettermann , Raycap and cirprotec in the fields of consultation, sales and distribution of power industry products including Surge arresters and Accessories for Surge Arrester.

Product list of Accessories for Surge Arrester

Earthing Module

Earthing Module

Model: BXT M4 E
Request Code: 920308
Company: DEHN
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Test - Disconnection Module

Test - Disconnection Module

Model: BXT M4 T
Request Code: 920309
Company: DEHN
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Labelling System BA1-BA15

Labelling System BA1-BA15

Model: BS BA1 BA15 BXT
Request Code: 920398
Company: DEHN
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EMC Spring Terminals

EMC Spring Terminals

Request Code: 920395
Company: DEHN
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