Current transformers power low-voltage measuring instruments and isolate them from the network. They supply their secondary winding with a standard current proportional to the primary current. They are divided into four main families: - wound primaries; - split-core primaries; - cable primaries; - busbar primaries. These transformers can be used with all types of measuring instruments: ammeters, energy meters, power monitors, etc. Bornika is the exclusive representative of Enerdis company, in purchasing , sales , consulting and distribution of industrial equipment and transformers , including Measurement Current Tansformer(CT) , in low voltage.

Product list of Enerdis Low Voltage Current Transformer

Standard industrial transformer type TCR

Standard industrial transformer type TCR

Model: TCR
Request Code: TCR 10, TCR 11, ...., TCR 100
Company: Enerdis
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Split core transformer type TCRO

Split core transformer type TCRO

Model: TCRO
Request Code: TCRO 2030, TCRO 5080, ..., TCRO 80160
Company: Enerdis
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Split core transformer type TC Clip

Split core transformer type TC Clip

Model: TC Clip
Request Code: TCC176, TCC241
Company: Enerdis
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Adaptable current transformer

Adaptable current transformer

Model: JVR, JVO, JVP
Request Code: JVR 64, JVO 12-46, JVP 624
Company: Enerdis
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Current transformer for energy metering

Current transformer for energy metering

Model: JVS
Request Code: JVS 25B, JVS60
Company: Enerdis
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Current transformer for tariff metering

Current transformer for tariff metering

Model: JVP1045
Request Code: JVP1045 B
Company: Enerdis
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Current transformer for tariff metering type JVO

Current transformer for tariff metering type JVO

Model: JVO 40-100
Request Code: JVO 40-100, JVO 40-100 S
Company: Enerdis
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Single phase current transformer for tariff metering

Single phase current transformer for tariff metering

Model: JVO 90-160
Request Code: JVO 90-160 s
Company: Enerdis
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Transformer short circuit switch

Transformer short circuit switch

Model: PRTC
Request Code: PRTC 1001
Company: Enerdis
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