LUMEL Low Voltage Current Transformer produced by LUMEL company of Poland country has four series product such as LCTM , LCTB , LCTR and LCTS for current measuring to apply equipment and meters. LCTM (Wound Primary Series) : In the Wound Primary current Transformer, the primary winding is also constructed inside the current transformer body. Wound Primary Current transformers are used in applications which require small current transformation ratios. LCTR (Round Conductor Series) : This series has circular clamp for current measuring purposes and it has different models with 30 to 600A range. LCTB (Busbar Series) : It has high accuracy in 0.2 , 0.2S , 0.5 and 1 accuracy class to measuring 30 to 7500A . LCTS (Split Core Series) : This series is suitable for current measuring without the necessity of disconnecting the current circuit with 100 to 5000A current range. Borna Niroo Karan (Bornika) is the exclusive agent of LUMEL in the fields of consultation , sales and distribution of power industry products including LUMEL Low Voltage Current Transformer products .
Model: LCTM
Request Code: LCTM 62/W (40) a/bA ,cVA , z
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTM
Request Code: LCTM 74/W (45) a/bA ,cVA , z
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTR
Request Code: LCTR 45/14 (40) a/b A , c VA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTR
Request Code: LCTR 50/14 (30) a/b A , c VA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTR
Request Code: LCTR 50/14 (50) a/b A , c VA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTR
Request Code: LCTR 62/R (40) a/b A , c VA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTB 45
Request Code: LCTB 45/21 (40) a/b A, cVA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTB 50
Request Code: LCTB 50/21 (30) a/b A, cVA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTB 50
Request Code: LCTB 50/30 (30) a/b A, cVA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTB 50
Request Code: LCTB 50/21 (50) a/b A, cVA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTB 50
Request Code: LCTB 50/30 (50) a/b A, cVA , d
Company: LUMEL
Model: LCTB 62
Request Code: LCTB 62/20 (40) a/b A, cVA , d
Company: LUMEL