Damping capacitors are used for protecting semiconductors (IGBT transistors). They are charged and discharged repeatedly. Very high peak currents are carried. The self-healing dry capacitor elements are enclosed in a cylindrical plastic case sealed with PU resin. They are made of metallized PP film, MKP system. This enables the unit to carry high inrush currents with low self-inductance and series resistance. These capacitors are classified into three groups: 1-cylindrical cases 2-rectangular cases (grey) 3-rectangular cases (black) Borna niroo karan company (Bornika) has the exclusive representative ZEZ SILKO company in buying, selling, consulting and distribution and industrial equipment of Damping Capacitors like as Snubber capacitors for IGBT is active.
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 1-1,2/10
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 1-1,2/15
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 1-1,2/25
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 1-5/1,7
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 1-5/6
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 1-5/10
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 21-2/5
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 21-2/8
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 21-2/10
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 21-2/12
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 21-2,5/3
Company: ZEZ Silko
Model: PVDJP
Request Code: PVDJP 21-2,5/5
Company: ZEZ Silko